Jean-Baptiste Teyssier
Characteristic cycle and wild Lefschetz theorems
With H. Hu. Preprint
Estimates for Betti numbers and relative Hermite-Minkowski theorem for perverse sheaves
With H. Hu. Preprint
Bounding ramification with coherent sheaves
With H. Hu. Preprint
Semi-continuity for conductor divisors of étale sheaves
With H. Hu. Preprint
Homotopy theory of Stokes structures and derived moduli
With M. Porta. Preprint
Exodromy beyond conicality
With P. J. Haine and M. Porta. Preprint
Day's convolution for pro-∞-categories
With M. Porta. Draft
Topological exodromy with coefficients
With M. Porta. Preprint
Cohomological boundedness for flat bundles on surfaces and applications
With H. Hu. Accepted at Compositio Mathematica
The homotopy-invariance of constructible sheaves
With P. J. Haine and M. Porta. Homology, Homotopy and Applications, Vol 25 (2023)
Characteristic cycle and wild ramification for nearby cycles of étale sheaves
With H. Hu. J. für die Reine und Angew. Math. Vol. 776 (2021)
Moduli of Stokes torsors and singularities of differential equations
Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Vol. 25 (2023)
Higher dimensional Stokes structures are rare
Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 742 (2020)
Skeletons and moduli of Stokes torsors
Annales Scientifiques de l'ENS, Vol. 52 (2019).
Video CIRM
Nearby slopes and boundedness for ℓ-adic sheaves in positive characteristic
A Boundedness theorem for nearby slopes of holonomic D-modules
Compositio Mathematica, Vol. 152 (2016)
Sur une caractérisation des D-modules holonomes réguliers
Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 23 (2016)
Tensor product and irregularity for holonomic D-modules
C. R. Acad. Sci. 353 (2015)
Linéarité de la construction d'Abbes et Saito pour les connexions méromorphes
La Construction d’Abbes et Saito pour les Connexions Méromorphes : Aspect Formel en Dimension 1
- Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 50 (2014)
Maître de conférence
Université Sorbonne, 4 place Jussieu
Research interests
(1) Singularities of flat bundles
(2) Stokes phenomenon
(3) Wild ramification
(4) Derived Algebraic Geometry
Etale cohomology and étale homotopy.
06/25. Frankfurt.
Ramification in geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory.
09/24. Heidelberg.
Non abelian Hodge Theory.
06/22. Abbaye St Jacut de la Mer.
D-modules: Applications to Algebraic Geometry, Arithmetic and Mirror Symmetry.
04/22. CIRM.
Homotopy theory of Stokes data and derived moduli - Heidelberg 09/24
Stokes data : from classical to ∞-categorical
The derived moduli of Stokes data
A course on D-modules
- Warwick 03/15
Irregular singularities of meromorphic connections
- ETH, Zurich 10/15